I can't believe it's nearly three months since i last said something here. A day after my last post and the luscious croissants, my precious Dad was rushed into hospital for emergency surgery (as if having terminal cancer wasn't enough). He underwent four major operations in three days and spent a week wired up to machines in the critical care unit. He pulled through and has been recovering in hospital since then. It's been a horrendously difficult time, juggling work and as much visiting as we can every day and seeing someone we love suffer. Soon he will be discharged from hospital and he'll need 24/7 care. I don't know how on earth we will cope.
How people survive more stressful situations than this is remarkable and my thoughts are with people around the world dealing with oppression, war, torture, violence and starvation. If I survive this ordeal, I mustn't forget how unbearably difficult life can be and I must help people who are finding life difficult.
This picture was taken by a friend in her living room...hopefully she won't mind me putting it here.
How people survive more stressful situations than this is remarkable and my thoughts are with people around the world dealing with oppression, war, torture, violence and starvation. If I survive this ordeal, I mustn't forget how unbearably difficult life can be and I must help people who are finding life difficult.
This picture was taken by a friend in her living room...hopefully she won't mind me putting it here.