Friday, 6 January 2012


This winter seems long, dark and cold.

Nights are spent by the fire ripping up old clothes

and crocheting them into weird floppy baskets.

i salvaged this from the bin at work

an interesting technique

has anyone seen it before?

you kind of over sew in different colours

then clip the yarn so it makes

sort of a rag rug but with wool


Sherry said...

I've never heard of that technique but I love the sound of it -- it's wonderful to learn something new.

And your work and your sister's work side by side on your father's mantle is lovely -- like you both planned your work that way without talking about it!

lynne h said...

wow, i love your floppy pot, kate.


Carole Reid said...

Kate, I love the image of you crocheting by the fire. Keep warm and snug. Spring will come!

Anonymous said...

fabulous floppy pots :)
such a beautiful poignancy in the mantle placing.

Jill said...

oooh i like both your pots :))!

WrightStuff said...

You can tell you're sisters! Those pots and painting look 'related'!!

Love the things you are making. I used to crochet and even embroider when I was about 10 years old but then somehow my sewing ability just stalled...

ArtSparker said...

Interesting that the painting and the pots have something similar going on, an appearance of dissolving from their solid state.

Unknown said...

Another inspiring post. love the floppy pot! and you and your sister's work . . . yummy!

Parabolic Muse said...


Seth said...

That last picture is a keeper. Just a perfect vignette!