Saturday, 20 September 2008

me and surfaces should not be allowed to reside in the same place


I'm not trying to frighten you or anything but Lynne did ask t

o see it in it's full glory! I'm in the process of moving house at the moment and negotiations are currently in progress as to just how much of my mega art mountain gets the boot (this is just a fraction of the full horror).



Kari Gibson said...

It looks like heaven to me! Actually, having gone through the sorting and moving thing twice in the last year, I can sympathise. Believe me, you certainly come face to face with how much stuff you actually have, when you have to shift it yourself.

I still have tons of Very Important Art Material (ie STUFF) in boxes in my shed, all piled up on top of each other and I have no way of knowing what is where. I recommend some kind of list of what is where and labelling the boxes. I did that the first time and it was great, but was under pressure and not particularly well the second, so it all went to pot.

Good luck with the move!

Anonymous said...

oh dear...I think I may have just broke out in a rash!

LOL Seriously looks like you really have a GREAT time in there!

kate said...

Hey! As long as it works for you! And judging by the stuff you produce, it certainly does! Good luck with the negotiations!

lynne h said...

kate, thank you for obliging me!! : )

i'm telling you, this is just pure joy... can you see me sitting here smiling?! creativity is happening here.

negotiations look like they may prove challenging...

Seth said...

Now that is the studio of a creative person!!

Jeane Myers said...

oh Kate I love the little oasis of your chair in the middle of your 'art mountain' - this is so much the way I work - a little bare patch of space to work and somehow all the other spaces including the floor just disappear - moving house - ugh! one of life's most dismal jobs!

Anonymous said...

Ba ha ha ha! I KNEW that tiny envelope was not going to even make a dent in your universe of art. This is the best pic of a working studio I have yet to see. Move over all those glossy, designer, made to make you feel guilty magazines..this is a working space!

ArtSparker said...

I looked at your post just as i am summoning up the courage to sort through some of my...stuff...tomorrow. Glad to know I'm not alone in dealing with the consequences of acquiring detritus.

Chris said...


*jean* said...

ooo I'm putting this in the husband hall of fame...he can't believe there is anyone else out there like me...

jennifer black said...

I guess Nietzsche was right:

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star."

I feel much much better about my space now. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, thank you! When I say "I can hardly turn around" - I find I am exaggerating. Turns out I have waaaay more space I can fill up! Thanks for providing the example. And I agree w/grrl+dog - absolutely. This puts all those glossy magazine spreads of studios to shame. LIVE YOUR ART!

Melo said...

Oooh, it's the first time I see one as bad as mine...deep inside me, I think I like that mess, but am afraid to admit.

I hope you don't mind that I add a link to my mess here:

Anne said...

I love it! Looks like a great space to get creative! :-) Good luck!

Joy Logan said...

weeeeeeee another art space that looks messy like mine. Hey don't change we know where everyting is don't we!

Dawn Wilson said...

creative chaos I LOVE IT! and I am not alone
Thanks for putting yourself out there

Melo said...

Holy creative cow! I finally have found one "worse" than mine. I had to enlarge the pic to peek around better. LOVE IT.

Melo said...

...and...I'm also forgetful. I had already commented here in 2008. Duh! :)