Friday, 12 August 2011

holiday art day whatever + 1

there's been so much art
going on around here

even the birds are leaving

coordinating sculptural forms

on the balcony


Anonymous said...

Yur making shit into art..

a timeless tradition!

Well done.

Carole Reid said...

Man you have been busy and I'm liking what I'm seeing!
I found cherry pits lining our fence that I'm guessing the crows lined up for us.....?

ELK said...

this makes me smile .. yes even the birds....

elena nuez said...

so many inspirational photos here!!!!
thanks for sharing,


Parabolic Muse said...

Okay I've been wanting to do the rock thing for a cOupla years now and this is THE time! And your birdies! You've trained them!!

Sherry said...

ROFL...bird dirt art...there's probably a market for that somewhere.........

Seth said...

You must be having such a great time. Wonderful piles of art.

WrightStuff said...

I'm not sure how I missed all these recent posts... So I am catching up now and then, when I am all worn out, will go and lie on the beach like that fellow you photographed (even though it is raining today!¬)