with precious Dad installed in front of his beloved rugby
(notice the tea paraphanalia on the table)

my sister and I got on with our art

she's been sketching the landscape

wheras I started to explore tea

I've got a few bitter gripes about the obsession with tea
and the number of cups a day I end up making at work, home, everywhere

i used the dreaded tea bags to paint on torn up watercolour paper

and dyed some white cotton tape

then I went off to seek inspiration and took photos
with my crappy camera of anything that caught my eye
the lift buttons

the beach huts

this one could be used for a friend's birthday next year

as usual i was drawn to concrete

and the marks on roads and pavements

i love the colour of the sea and sand

and the colours and marks in the rocks

the shapes and tones on the beach

andy goldsworthy inspired land art
more circles

and more lines

i liked these painted pebbles left by kids outside the beech huts
makes me want to paint pebbles
makes me want to leave art for others to find
thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures!!!
I love the doors, the found art and the differences in textures and shades of the pavements. I would love a piece of your art. Enjoy your holiday.
Thanks Elena...I've just been ova to ur blog and been inspired by the lovely images you have there to continue creating.
e - wasn't it your bday recently?....why don't you email me your address and I'll send you something...let me know what you like. kx
What a lovely collection of images. Have a peaceful holiday.
crappy camera photos are fabulous! precious Dad...yes. Precious life.
jeez, kate... this was a feast!! thank you! if you could've see me, you'd have seen me smiling as i scrolled... : )
(and yes to the thing about making art for others to find. it's a mystery to me why it's not done more often...)
You and your "crappy camera" take some interesting photos! I LOVE cement too! And Dads! And tea!
Enjoy your holiday Kate ...
loved your focus on tea ... go for it.. celebrate what is one of the most important things about daily life... the simple, humble rituals that calm and order our lives!
best to you all...
did wonder about the font..I'l stick it out for awhile.... but will it last???
Claire - yes it's very restful here :o)
Lesley - thanks for bigging up my photos and dads and life :)
Lynne - I wish I could have seen you smiling...you've made me smile plenty and I thought of you when I found painted pebbles by the sea x
Carole - we can be concrete buddies....and start the concrete appreciation society!!! :o)
Sophie...Humble rituals...now there's a great theme...you got me thinking :)
love the rocks ..and cloth infused in the tea.. might as well use it when you make so much !
take care ~
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